Tracking Your Child’s Oral Health

The first decade and a half of our lives have some pretty significant markers when it comes to oral health. In around twelve years a child will go from having no visible teeth to a set of primary (baby) teeth to a full set of twenty-eight (thirty-two including wisdom teeth) teeth. Here at our dental office, we help kids track their developing oral health at every stage. Starting when they are very little and just starting to get their first few teeth, we provide cleanings and education for parents on how to properly brush their children’s teeth. As kids age and more of their baby teeth erupt we help parents teach kids how to brush and floss their own teeth and encourage them to take care of their teeth. As they get bigger and start losing teeth, we continue to take X-rays, provide cleanings, and exams to make sure that teeth are developing healthily. When it comes to a child’s oral health, it is important to have a dental team that is with you every step of the way. Our team would be happy to help.

Dental X-Rays For Children

Dental X-rays are extremely important for patients of all ages, but especially kids. X-rays show us what is happening beneath the gumline which is very important when a child’s smile is developing. Our dental team recommends routine X-rays each year so that we can make sure teeth are coming in on schedule and so that we can find and address any issues before they become bigger problems in the future. That said, dental X-rays are also important for teenagers and parents. Our dentists use X-rays to look for signs of decay, infection, and gum disease that might go unnoticed by both patients and dental teams during routine exams.

Schedule Your Children’s Dental Appointments In Chicago

If you and your family live in Chicago and need to set up dental appointments for yourself and your kids, we would be happy to see you at our office. Use our online appointment scheduler to set up dental appointments with one of our twelve offices.