Dental emergencies can happen to anyone. As parents, it is important to know how to handle dental emergencies from relieving your children’s symptoms to getting them the help they need. In this article, we will cover some of the most common dental emergencies for kids and teens. But the general advice is the same across the board. Make sure to call a dentist for same-day treatments in your area, handle any swelling with cold compresses/ice packs, handle bleeding with gauze or clean cloth, and make sure that your child’s mouth is clear of any debris. Here are tips on the most common dental emergencies for kids.
How To Handle A Kid’s Knocked Out Tooth
While it is normal for kids to lose their baby teeth, it can be a serious concern when a teenager loses an adult tooth. This is often common for kids who play sports. First and foremost, if your child plays any contact sports like hockey, football, or something similar, make sure they wear a mouth guard to prevent this from happening. If your child’s adult tooth falls out, you should bring it with you to the dentist. If you can get to a dentist quickly, it is sometimes possible to reimplant the lost tooth. Many first aid kits have tooth-saving solutions in them that the tooth can be submerged in, otherwise, you can submerge a tooth in milk.
What Should You Do If A Child Has A Toothache
If your child has a severe toothache, you should inspect their teeth to see if there is anything stuck in between them. Sometimes foods like a popcorn kernel can get lodged between the gaps in the teeth and put pressure on both teeth leading to aches and soreness. If there isn’t anything lodged around their teeth, call a dentist for a quick checkup. Toothaches can have many causes and often are related to underlying issues.
How To Handle Broken Teeth
Broken, chipped, or cracked teeth can happen just as easily as knocking out a tooth. Even if the damaged tooth is a baby tooth you should not ignore it. An exposed tooth can easily get infected by bacteria. You should bring your child to the dentist to have the damaged tooth looked at and potentially removed or treated with other restorative treatments. In the meantime, you can use a cold compress or ice pack to help reduce swelling.
Emergency Dentists in Chicago
Dental Town Chicago is a group of 12 dental offices that provide dental services to families and patients of all ages. To schedule an appointment, please contact one of our locations.