If you or a loved one suddenly loses a tooth you need to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. If you get to the dentist quick enough and the tooth is kept in good condition, you might actually be able to have the tooth re-implanted. Otherwise, you might need to end up considering tooth replacement treatments like dental implants or dental bridges.
If the reason the tooth was knocked out is a medical emergency (i.e. an injury that effects more than the mouth) you need to call 911 or visit an emergency room.
In this article, we will cover how to handle a knocked-out tooth. If you need an emergency dentist in Chicago, call one of our 11 offices.

How Long Do You Have After A Tooth Is Knocked Out To See A Dentist
Ideally you should get to a dentist within 30 minutes of the injury if possible. Seeing a dentist within a half hour after the injury is the best way to keep the tooth. Because of that tight window of time it is essential you know what steps to take in regards to protecting the tooth that fell out.
How Do You Pick Up A Knocked Out Tooth?
First and foremost, only handle a knocked out tooth by the crown of the tooth. The crown is the section of the tooth you normally see outside of the gums. The root of the tooth (which is usually below the gums) is very sensitive. Touching the root can make it difficult to re-implant. If the tooth is dirty, you should rinse it off with warm water. Do not use soap or any chemicals. Do not scrub the tooth or use tissue/cloth. Simply clean the tooth off with warm water.
Where Do You Put A Tooth After It Is Knocked Out?
It is important to store the tooth properly while bringing it to the dentist. There are a few options, but not all of them are always possible.
- Place The Tooth In The Socket: If possible, have the person who lost the tooth place the tooth back into the socket it fell out of. Have them hold the tooth in their mouth on the way to the dentist. You should hold the tooth in place by gently biting down or by holding it in place using your fingers. If it cannot go into the socket, you can hold the tooth under your tongue or against the side of your cheek. Make sure you do not swallow the tooth.
- Use a Tooth Saving Kit: Many emergency first aid kits come with a tooth-saving kit. A tooth-saving kit has a special saline solution that you can place the tooth in. This is similar in chemical composition to saliva and keep the tooth safe.
- Use Milk: If you cannot put the tooth in your mouth or in a tooth-saving solution, you can use milk. Regular water will not work as the root’s cells will begin to die. Whereas milk or a saline solution can help keep the tooth safe while you make your way to a dental office.
Emergency Dentist in Chicago
We have 11 offices throughout Chicago that provide emergency dental services to patients of all ages. If you or someone in your family experiences a dental emergency, please do not hesitate to call one of our dental offices.