When Should You Schedule Back-To-School Dental Exams

As the summer starts to come to a close, parents across the country are making their back-to-school checklists for their kids, teens, and even college students. One of the most important elements of that list is seeing a dentist for a dental exam. Of course, the best part of a dental exam, is it is one of the few exams you don’t have to study for. Here at Dental Town Chicago we have 11 dental offices throughout the Chicago area that provide high quality dental treatments including check-ups and exams. If you need to make an appointment for your kids before the end of the summer, please click below to schedule an appointment. Otherwise, keep reading to learn more about how and where to book back-to-school dental appointments.

When Should You Book Back To School Dental Exams

There are two schools of thought here. Many people try to book back to school dental exams a few weeks before the start of the school season. You always want to give yourself a buffer because you might need a follow up appointment if there are issues like dental cavities. Going to the dentist right before the first day of school, might mean scheduling a follow-up appointment during the first week of classes. Which can be disruptive for younger students, and sometimes impossible for college students who are traveling for their classes. 

However, that brings up the other school of thought. Some parents intentionally schedule their child’s dental appointments after the first week of school. While you might not want your kids to miss anything in that first week, it isn’t necessarily as big of an issue for kids to miss something in the second week of school. With the year just starting out, it is unlikely that there will be any conflicts with major tests or class projects, and because most people schedule during the breaks, it is often easier to find open slots during the school week. Additionally, kids rarely complain about getting to miss a day of school here and there. Instead of taking away a day from their summer break, you can let them skip a day of class for a quick dental checkup. 

Where Should You Book Back-to-School Dental Exams

The most important part of finding a dentist for your kids is picking the right one. First and foremost, some dentists do not work with children or prefer not to work with children. There are dental offices that primarily only serve adults and potentially teenagers. But even among family dentists, it can be helpful to look at online reviews or get recommendations from other parents you know, because finding a dentist your kids like seeing is important to their oral health. A good dentist encourages and educates when they work with kids. They help their patients build healthy habits and give them confidence regarding their dental treatments.

Family Dentists in Chicago

If you are looking to make a dental appointment for yourself or a member of your family in Chicago, please contact our team. We have 11 offices throughout Chicago that can help you get the dental services you and your family needs. For more information please call one of our offices or click below to book an appointment. 

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